Requests: Requests for funds may be submitted electronically by the coaches, group leaders, or their representatives must be approved by a majority vote of the active members present. Funding shall be limited to those items not provided for by the School District Budget. Donation Requests must be personally presented at the next scheduled Board Meeting by a representative of the requesting organization.
(ARTICLE IX: Funds, Section I of Amended By-Laws of the Pillager Husky Booster Club)
Application Process:
1. Complete Online Request for Funding
2. At a minimum, please have 1 Adult Advisor and 1 Student Representative at the next Booster Club board meeting to present your request.
3. The Booster Club or Pillager Schools Activities Director will notify you of their decision within one week of your in person request.
4. After your event or requested item is purchased, the Booster Club would request a report (preferably in person) at the next Booster Club meeting. Pictures for promotional purposes would also be appreciated.
Funding is not guaranteed to any group or organization. The Booster Club is not governed by ISD 116, but attempts to keep their funding balanced based on the following criteria:
1. Involvement of people from different areas of athletics, arts or clubs. That is, if people from your team, club, or art are involved in the Booster Club, they are more likely to be supported. ("Involvement" means attending meetings, or staffing fundraisings such as clothing sales, fundraising events and other booster club supported events)
2. The Booster Club takes into consideration the past response to funds given to your group.
3. The Booster Club must consider their current financial situation; a request may be tabled for decision at a later date, or asked that you apply again in the future. Requests are considered favorably that have been submitted to other agencies and/or are subsidized by other students or departments.
(ARTICLE IX: Funds, Section I of Amended By-Laws of the Pillager Husky Booster Club)
Application Process:
1. Complete Online Request for Funding
2. At a minimum, please have 1 Adult Advisor and 1 Student Representative at the next Booster Club board meeting to present your request.
3. The Booster Club or Pillager Schools Activities Director will notify you of their decision within one week of your in person request.
4. After your event or requested item is purchased, the Booster Club would request a report (preferably in person) at the next Booster Club meeting. Pictures for promotional purposes would also be appreciated.
Funding is not guaranteed to any group or organization. The Booster Club is not governed by ISD 116, but attempts to keep their funding balanced based on the following criteria:
1. Involvement of people from different areas of athletics, arts or clubs. That is, if people from your team, club, or art are involved in the Booster Club, they are more likely to be supported. ("Involvement" means attending meetings, or staffing fundraisings such as clothing sales, fundraising events and other booster club supported events)
2. The Booster Club takes into consideration the past response to funds given to your group.
3. The Booster Club must consider their current financial situation; a request may be tabled for decision at a later date, or asked that you apply again in the future. Requests are considered favorably that have been submitted to other agencies and/or are subsidized by other students or departments.